Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Nexus - AAA w/ VRFs & VDCs

If you are looking to configure AAA on a nexus 70XX and the subnet you are going to use to contact the ACS server is in a VRF and / or the non-default VDC (VDC 2, 3, 4) then you will have to do things a little different than you might be used to.

First, make sure that the TACACS+ feature is enabled or none of the options below will be available.

Second, all AAA commands are local to each individual VDC so you will need to do this with each one.

The configuration on the ACS server will remain the same and you are also able to test from exec mode:

#test aaa server tacacs+ vrf VRF-NAME-HERE jdoe cisco123

Now, onto the fun stuff...

You will need to define your TACACS server / keys before preceding onto the next part:

#tacacs-server host key 0 cisco123

#tacacs-server host key 0 cisco123

Add this line after you create your server group:

#aaa authentication login default group Tacserver_DMZ

This is where it varies slightly from what you might be used to. You need to create a “aaa server group” in order to use a different VRF.

#aaa group server tacacs+ Tacserver_DMZ

   (You dont need to add the key as they will use the ones already stated earlier.)
    use-vrf DMZ_TEST
    source-interface Vlan10 

    (This is the SVI that will be used to contact the ACS Server but you can also use interfaces, loopback interfaces ect.)

You might also want to add these few commands under your VRF context also:

#vrf context DMZ_TEST
  ip domain-name cisco.com
  ip name-server

That should get you going in the right direction!

1 comment:

  1. Great post, this was extremely helpful in generating traffic for a network flow! Thanks Again!
