My flashcards over time have become quite worn and out of order so I will be just adding them with no regards as to what came first, the chicken or the egg.
AutoRP -
ip pim send-rp-announce (Rendezvous Point)
ip pim send-rp-discover (Mapping agent)
#ip pim send-rp-announce loopback 0 scope 2 group-list 1 / 40 will only be used with Auto-RP and / or auto-rp listener.
If you have multiple RPs for a group, the HIGHEST IP wins.
If you want to deny a host from joining group:
#access-list 1 deny
#intf fastethernet0/0 #ip multicast boundary 1 <1 is the access-list>
ip pim rp-canidate (Rendezvous Point)
ip pim bsr-canidate (Mapping agent)
Hellos are generated every 30 seconds and sent to with a TTL (1)
(NOTE: The 224 address can be considered Link-Local, thus the TTL of 1)'
Neighbor Interface Uptime/Expires Ver DR
Address Prio/Mode Serial0/2/0 00:16:37/00:01:21 v2 1 / S P
Uptime - How long have they been neighbors.
Expires - 3 1/2 x's the HELLO interval. (The timer starts at 1 Min 45 Sec and decrements to 1:15 )
Ver - Specifies neighbors PIM version
DR Prio - Has no meaning in dense mode unless PIMv1 is being used.
If the priority is identical, the router with the highest IP address is elected the DR.
The letter "S" indicates that this router is state refresh capable with allows it to remain in a "(P)RUNED" state.
These messages are sent every 60 seconds to the ALL PIM Multicast address of TTL 1
Show Command # show ip pim interface fa 0/0 detail
R1(config-if)#do sh ip igmp group
IGMP Connected Group Membership
Group Address Interface Uptime Expires Last Reporter Group Accounted Loopback0 00:00:31 00:02:28 FastEthernet0/0 02:15:39 00:02:02
R1#sh ip pim inter count | B Address
Address Interface FS Mpackets In/Out FastEthernet0/0 * 24/0 Loopback0 * 0/0 Serial0/1/1 * 0/12
access-list 1 permit
#ip igmp immediate-leave group-list 1 <1 is referencing the ACL>
#ip pim send-rp-announce group-list 1 <1 is referencing the ACL>
Announce RP for all groups but will never be RP.
access-list 1 permit host
access-list 2 deny any
#ip pim rp-announce-filter rp-list 1 group-list 2 (This needs to be on the mapping agent)
#ip pim spt-threshold 20 group-list 1
(Amount of time it waits before switching over to the Shortest Path Tree, Default is almost immediate.)
RPF- With multicast, the router will check the static mroute table first.
i. TS, ping the interface on the router that is the source of the MC traffic and then compare it to your mroute table and add any routes needed to pass the RPF.
show pim df Shows bidirectional PIM designated forwarder (DF) information
show pim group-map Displays PIM group-to-protocol mapping information
show pim interface Displays PIM interface information
show pim join-prune statistic Shows PIM join/prune information
show pim neighbor Displays PIM neighbor information
show pim range-list Shows PIM range-list information
show pim topology Displays the PIM topology table information
show pim traffic Displays PIM traffic counters
show pim tunnel Lists information about the PIM tunnel interfaces
show igmp groups Displays group membership information
show igmp interface Provides interface IGMP information
show igmp traffic Displays traffic counters
show mroute Displays the contents of the multicast routing table:
debug pim Enables debugging for PIM events
debug pim neighbor Enables debugging of PIM neighbor events
debug pim group group Enables PIM protocol activity debugging for only the matching group
debug pim interface interface Enables debugging of PIM protocol activity for only the specified interface.
debug pim df-election Enables debugging of PIM DF election exchange messages.
debug mrib route [group] Enables debugging of MRIB routing activity
debug mrib client Enables debugging of MRIB client management activity
debug mrib io Enables debugging of MRIB I/O events
debug mrib table Enables debugging of MRIB table management activity
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